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Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, September 12, 2023

Our next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday,  February 11, 2025


SPCA is proud to bestow an annual scholarship to a Brookside School graduate of merit. This year, the award was preented to Bryson Brownell.


Here is a link to see Bryson being called up for his award:


Have a safe and healthy summer.


The Stearns Park Civic Association was formed in 1975 to promote and preserve the quality of Stearns Park as envisioned by its founder, Hugo Stearns. SPCA is a nonprofit organization in the Village of Freeport whose members work on a volunteer basis and pay annual dues for association expenses and student scholarships.


We advocate community participation within the Village government, the Baldwin School District and the Town of Hempstead. SPCA helps maintain lawful matters in the interests of the property owners of Stearns Park, which encompasses 553 homes in the Northwest corner of Freeport.


We actively promote neighborhood improvement projects and raise funds for those projects while ensuring the safety of residents by partnering with local government and law enforcement officials.


SPCA is proud to bestow annual scholarships to Brookside Elementary and Baldwin Senior High School graduates of merit.


We are pleased to see that we have built a strong sense of community through the decades, via social and social-action activities, and working together towards our common goals.​



freeport street scene

Jill Kaplan • 2023

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